Julia and Journey's kids started to arrive at about 5 pm on December 28th, with the last of them born just after midnight. There are 4 boys and 2 girls. All are spoken for and their families are starting to get excited!!
GCH Sunkozi Don't Stop Believin "Journey" is a stunner. We loved his pedigree but upon meeting him, it was evident that his attitude and personality were just as excellent as his breeding. Julia and Journey make a beautiful pair and we are excited to see what the match brings.
Although Sunday promised she would wait until daylight hours, she started to bring her litter into the world just after midnight on January 2nd, finishing at 830 am. She has a beautiful group of 4 girls and 1 young man. All are spoken for and well loved already!
SO looking forward to seeing what the combination of Sunday and Setherwood Grady produces in their litter, born January 2, 2025. Grady is a Setherwood boy through and through. He is a spectacular working dog as well as a show champion. He excels in obedience (currently working on his CDX), he has completed his Rally Master and loves to show off his skills in scent detection.
From Sunday & Austin came these 9 happy healthy babies - 7 girls and 2 boys. Our own Setherwood Lexie May (Lexie) came from this litter.
June's pride and joy, Grady, sired his first litter of 10 pups with Setherwood Escapade (Dash). One sweet female, Kayla, has been retained by Setherwood to remain in Uxbridge.
Sunday's first litter was a singleton female who will remained with us here in Huntsville for her first 8 months. Father is Blackpool Austin. Her registered name is Setherwood Just One and we called her Mia. She has now been adopted into her permanent home with a wonderful family where she jogs regularly, swims in her lake, jumps off her dock and sleeps in a bed. Happiest dog ever.
Seven bouncy new pups were born to Setherwood Ginnie on June 8th, 2022. Dad is the beautiful and accomplished Grand Champion Feli Fey Flying Dutchman (aka Spinnaker). Our own Julia came from this litter and remains with us here in Huntsville.
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